
بعيدا عن الوطن الغائب - حيث عثر على جثته مخمورا - وبعيدا عن عمل - مع ايقاف التنفيذ-وبعيدا عن ثيوقراطية مزعومة يبدوا ان بعض من المتأسلمين بدأو بالترويج لها.

 وبعيداً عن اسباب كدت انساها لم لم انشر تكملة لما بدأت ( وأعني الموضوع السابق وحتى تكملة ابحاثي عن مقاييس التعقيد ) وبعيدا عن متلازمة آلام ما بعد جراحات الظهر او ما يسمى

failed back surgery

قررت بعد تفكير متعمق ان ابدأ جديا في البحث عن زوج ! وهو ما ترآى لي صوابه مؤخرا.

حديث بيني وبين احد اصدقائي الذين ادعي انهم اقرب ... اسهم في ان اكتب هذا الموضوع الذي اعتقد اهميته.. بشكل مجرد كنت أتسائل بصوت عال ( ماذا لو ) كانت زوجتي من محبي الفلسفة ( ولكي أكون اكثر ايضاحا فتعريفي البسيط للفلسفة هي حب الحكمة) سمعت حينها صدى صوتي يقول (لا) فأنت لن تحب ذلك لأنك ببساطة لا تتقبل الرأي الآخر ببساطة وربما لأنك (أصولي) وتفتخر بذلك ! ثم اذا كانت تلك الفيسوفة واسعة الافق فسوف تطرق الى بعض النقاشات احدها علق في ذهني ولذا كان هذا الموضوع الذي كتبته فصل في فصول روايتي

اكفهر وجهه حين بدأ احدهم قائلا " محكمة" " وكأنها فاصل بين الغوغاء من أحاديث بعض المتنطعين وغيرهم ..وبضع رجال من خلف الستار ( احساس اتذكره حين كنت أتقمص دورا على مسرح المدرسة ) كأنه الستار يزال عن المسرح !! وهناك يقبع في القفص اشياء من ضمنها الآنا، وما لبث ان بدأ الضمير بالجلوس حيث كانت خلفة امرأة معصوبة العينين ( لكنها ليست عمياء كما يظن كثير من الناس بها ) ثم أشارللحضور اشارة في كبرياء ان اجلسوا...

جلسوا الا من كان في القفص، مع ان بعض منهم بريء لكنها الأعراف  ( جمع عرف) وقبل أن يبدأ الحاجب بأول قضية (دعوني أحتسي كوبا من القهوة من تقاليد العزاء -على موت اشياء كثيرة !! فأنا كافر بكل القواعد التي سن بعض الادباء وظنوا ان علينا ان نستخدم حتى نكتب قصصا او روايات )

القضية الاولى

تمتم الحاجب بضع كلمات ثم اشار القاضي وبدأ دفاع الانا ..

أيها الناس .. لست بمؤمن بما تحتكمون اليه فليس من شأنكم ولا من قدركم ولكنا ( وجدنا آباءنا كذلك يفعلون) وددت فقط ان اقولها لتسمعها كل الكائنات التي شغلت فراغا في هذا المبنى

سحقا لسليمان القانوني !!!

بقدر تعقيد بلورات السكر(اشارة منه الى كوب القهوة التي احتسيته) وأعني مركب الجلكوز الفا بصفته كان التعقيد في تلك القضية

لماذا نحن دائما في موقف الدفاع؟

 وهل نحن اجرمنا حين اعتنقنا هذا الدين ؟ هل حقا نحن  نبحث فعلا عن حقيقة .. ام اننا ندعي اننا نبحث !

هل كان لأمثال نوال السعداوي وفريدة النقاش وصفية زغلول صورة تلك الحقيقة ايا كانت باهتة ؟

آسف أن اقول ان جهلا بأصول الدين حيث كان وزير الثقافة (الوزير الفنان في حربه على الحجاب يقول وبكل تبجح أركان الاسلام اربعة...) حتى وان لم يمثل شيءً فعينة عشوائية ستبين فراغ العينة .. ليس الا فراغ محتوها

أعي جيدا ان كثير من هذا الفراغ اليوم سيقف حائراً حين يسمع حديثا متواترا عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول فيه( ايما امرأة خرجت من بيتها متعطرة فهي زانية)

الدين لا يتجزأ .. لانه ببساطة مبدأ، ونصوصه غير قابلة للمساومة والنقاشات لا لشيء الا انه الحقيقة !! الحقيقة التي اعني  هي كما القيم المطلقة لا تتأثر بإشارات ما يحدث بداخلها .. الدين قيمة مطلقة.

 تيار من المفكرين جهده يتأثر بمقاومة المادة .. ومعلوم بالضرورة انها اللانهاية !!!محصلة الجهود والتيارات هي اللاشيء !! اذ أن المقاومة تساوي اللانهاية.

شهادة المرأة في الاسلام !! شبهة اظنها قديمة بقدم الزندقة في الاسلام، أسهب في تلك المسألة العلامة المحدث شيخ الاسلام ابن تيمية وتلميذه ابن القيم وعرضها في العصر الحديث الشيخ محمد عبده والشيخ محمود شلتوت

وتنتقض عرى تلك الدعوة قبل ان تقام من وجوه عدة ابرزها

ان المرأة قبلت روايتها للأحاديث عن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم ، وكان من باب اولى ان لا تقبل روايتها اذا كان الاسلام ينظر بالنظرة الدونية التي تنظر بها المسيحية مثلا فلا كهنوت للنساء ولم ولن نجد في سلسلة آبائهم امرآة!!

الشهادة التي جاء نصها في القرآن الكريم بآية الدين في سياق واضح وصريح هي في اختلاف صريح لفظا عن الاشهاد واصطلاحا ما جاء في سياق الآيات هو نصح للدائن وليست شهادة امام قاض للاثبات او النفي ولو كان المدعي بهذه الدعوى مطلعا على قشور الفقه لعلم ان ماله ذاك المدلول صح في كثير من الاحكام بصور عدة منها ان يشهد اربعة شهود(في حالة اثبات الزنا) او ثلاثة او اثنين او رجل او أمرأة او حتى يمينا وفيه يمين المرأة كيمين الرجل كما في اللعان او خمسون يمينا او نكولا او شاهد الحال.

وأعود الى السبب في الآيات فقد كان( ان تذكر احداهما الاخرى) وبغض النظر عن شيء لا احب ان اربط بين ما يحمل القرآن من معان وما هو من استنتاج البشر، وهذا ما وجده البشر:-

Minor everyday slips and lapses of memory are fairly commonplace, and may increase naturally with age, when ill, or when under stress (Reason J.). Some women may experience more memory lapses following the onset of the menopause. More serious problems with memory generally occur due to traumatic brain injury or neurodegenerative disease.

Some other transient but unpleasant symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, fatigue , anxiety , sleep disturbance, and memory loss.
 Inferior parietal lobule (IPL): it is a brain region in the cortex, which is significantly larger in men than in women. This area is bilateral and is located just above the level of the ears (parietal cortex). Furthermore, the left side IPL is larger in men than the right side. In women, this asymmetry is reversed, although the difference between left and right sides is not so large as in men. This is the same area which was shown to be larger in the brain of Albert Einstein, as well as in other physicists and mathematicians. So, it seems that IPL’s size correlates highly with mental mathematical abilities. Studies have linked the right IPL with the memory involved in understanding and manipulating spatial relationships and the ability to sense relationships between body parts. It is also related to the perception of our own affects or feelings. The left IPL is involved with perception of time and speed, and the ability of mentally rotate 3-D figures .
 ولن اطيل فالحكم اليك ايها الضمير ...

رفعت الجلسة

واهدي هذا الفصل في روايتي الى تلك التي ربما اكون قدرها!!

 lately publishing this post because it is in my space which subject to my time-domain constraint!!, sorry for that.

Starting from the final decision" self decree" which state that I will attend Wolfram Science Summer School isA. After long negotiation with my lovely parents and by use my close friends minds "as Grid Computing !" to compute this decree !!.

The arrangement was necessitate to spend some time with my parents before travelling... definitely to KSA, and then start the Wolfram's Thread. I went to KSA to sign the final manuscript of the travelling agreement ! byplay, perform Omrah and met my old friends. In those days some critical processes were processed for Egypt Revolution, I mean the election and Mubark's farce. I remember I was depart in 1st round election day. I have to admit that my reaction was counted as null object!... I was preferred  to be void !, I mean the farce "sway of all". In the same context I can not participate in the 2nd round, that for another reasons which are, the first inability to vote due to the non-change of the place of election "official issue in the Egypt embassy" and the second which is affect my status till now.

The Loss of consciousness ..then fall (Health problem), strictly the fall side effect was"Herniated disc" which is one of the major causes to time delay for a lot of actions till this moment.

Coming back to Egypt from KSA to 48h only before depart to US for first time, hard real time system! which it's function are depending or Egypt Governmental Offices, I mean the shortage of respect for the time in government transactions.

Departing from Cairo airport before the election results announcement, I have to register an Quantum  Emotional State. I was suffer from the side effect "Herniated disc". Which was still didn't diagnosed yet. I tried to call my parents in Riyadh from the airport... shocked by my mother call, she was very sad because of illogical reasons .. Dear Mama Plz check the signed agreement! I think I was succeeded to handle this hard situation. I have to mention that for a short time some Return Ideas were rose in my mind!.

My trip, was complicated because of late reservation. I was arrived to JFK airport.. american customs officer asked me about the Egyptian election results!... and told me that Morsy is the new President!. My first impression in the JFK Terminal 3 gate"I am here !! this is not strange at all"

I think it is under expectation! that caused by the Media which have a high Lyaponve Exponent from the real (I mean the deviation between the real and media picture when we consider that as nonlinear system!).The most remarkable observation was the crowd! someone set next to me, she asked me about railway station. Simply I am the wrong one! this is my first hour in US! She talked about some places,squares, streets and even famous buildings. She told me the mystery of this crowd "Gay Party Day!" sorry for using this in the context. One of my first view is this funny one.

Massachusetts "The Spirit of America!" as it's slogan. I was arrived to the final destination Boston City and taking a cap to Curry College. Cap driver asked me ..Sir... are you French?. I used vague replies just as verification of my ability of hiding out of context requests"canny handling".

Check-in and Pizza-Party, When I arrived to Milton Hall in Curry College campus I was take my luggage in my room and then attending the party. My simple comment is:

When you meet your respected advisor,mentors and colleagues in this friendly manner, it is one of a long list maybe list of lists of variations of academia and non academia cultures between here and there! this situation triggered me to thought again as Mohamed Daif  discussions in this manner! I intend to write about that in separate topics isA.


 First Welcoming  session by the Boss ( as I like to call Todd Rowland) and time schedule and some confidential disclosure agreement. The Boss also told us the first homework ... which is published in my blog here.

Strange weather! It was runny, summer rain!.. I had to go to another building! Never mind, I was served in military the rain is not an obstruction!


I will mention a paragraph for each Instructor.

Stephen Wolfram, it was my first time to met Stephen in person " he is Nerd Model!" I tried to collect/ connect the information flooding ! in his lectures .. In each lecture I remembered Stephen's  TED talk expressions which are in depth now!. One of the recorded answers when I asked about the closed system and universe inspired by my friend Mohamed Atia "Snap", Stephen said it is closed form computation point of view and amount of information are limited (as I understand from his answer). His most amazing lecture which was about the higgs boson discovery.

The Boss (as I like to call Todd Rowland), his lecture at the first of list at all days. His smile said to you keep sprite, his frequent question about the projects progress. From my point of view, He was a great Electromotive force like for all students there. Gave me a candy when I got some important result, Actually very impressive person. The most amazing lecture was about the Future Based CA's Evolution or as he like to title Time travelling CA's.

Vitaliy Kaurov, the Russian scientist my respected mentor who gave me a lot of help and support regarding the school time. He said COOL in our discussions, that looks like the pronouncement of "FOUL Egyptian famous dish!". When I said Ok I have to go now, He said: NO you will not go to any place before finishing the tasks !! replied:  is it the Russian leadership!. I am proud to work with Vitaliy. His most interesting lecture was "Polynomials Form Of CA Rules" also his notes and discussions in " Hernan's lecture Complexity in games".

Carlo Barbieri, the physicist who looks a very enlightened, who starts at the first time to discuss the "geeky ping requests like how we can model the fly motions !! and predict the movement path!" and asked about the light effects on motion  as important state equation in the system model!!.. that is just lobby discussion!. He opened also lot of various files on the dining table like revolutions in Arab zone, religions vs. atheism, Italian cultures... etc. the conclusion as mention in first statement he is very enlightened. Carlo's lectures were funny and interesting the most one was the "Bayesian Statistics".

Hernan Moraldo, the gentle Argentine geek, who writes a line of  Mathematica code complicated enough to take an exponential memory and time "for normal human!" to interpret this code!. He is very handy he gave me a lot of advices to be better in Mathematica coding " what I like to call the Syndrome of OPP to Functional paradigm". On the margin we talked about the software engineering topics and project management styles I think there were a lot of points of contention. His most superb lecture was "Complexity in games".

Matthew Szudzik, theoretical computers scientist, who remember us  in each lecture Mr. Turing.. and his respected machine. I was discuss a  Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy and  Kolmogorov compexity on his awesome lecture" Emulation and Irreducibility". In his lectures I was connected a lot of concepts and solidify the computer science background. here is one of his talks in TED.

Eric Rowland, the quiet scientist, who writes a simple clause as code!. He gave as the sense of skim and sailing in CA and TM world. I can not forget his lecture of analysing the CA's titled "Growth of cellular automata".

Paul-Jean Letourneau, Canadian , who present the live Experiments with a bold manner. He also presented an advanced Mathematica Training which was gave me a deep knowledge about Mathematica. I count his live experiments were the most useful lectures.

Taliesin Beynon, the brilliant continent fellow, who say it is easy... his interrupts in the lectures were useful. we discussed a programming issues and problems I found that easy as Taliesin  said. One day, I entered the lobby, he asked me about my homework progress, I said not good I have a lot of TM and I still up a gum-tree! he checked my Extracted  TM gallery and said OMG .. what is this? and asked Vitaliy about his comment which is the same OMG. I settle the problem in this moment!. His most elegant lecture was "Other Cellular Automata ".

Abby Nussey, 24/7 Coordination, who feel responsibility to make all are comfortable. She was my contact person in Wolfram "from the first emails to wrap-up the school and check out" , I remember that every request was replied in RECORD time. During the school, periodically I have to check my email to get updates from Abby, regarding the lecture timing changes, logistical issues, helpful information... I believe that she was coordinated the school perfectly. Her unique lecture was very useful about Wolfram Demonstration Project titled  "Art of Demonstrations".

Erin Craig, her lectures about the previous school projects was inspiring speech definitely the CA's into music this was a surprising research direction to me.


I will list some memorable points in my project,

The Idea: In meeting room with Stephen wolfram, Todd Rowland and Vitaliy Kaurov,Stephen recommended  a project to me and then I proposed  another one, after discussions we postponed the decision based on Stephen advise till knowing what Leon Chua means in his work....

The challenge sense : During 2 days we discuss this issue and then finally we agree my presented project. That sounds a great challenge to me because this is my proposed project. All of all, I was very curious to know more about this topic, I was enthusiastic (as I claim).

Ambiguous in Prof. Leon Work: this came from the my lake of experience! .. I worked in the first phase till saturated just reading his works, books  and related papers. I think one of the motivated actions was Todd small meeting he said that's enough... no more read start of your code!!. He was worried about timing (as usual) and I wonna to do my best (as usual too! ).

Problems and motivations: Lot of meetings with Vitalily we started the actual work on some simple concrete design. We faced a lot of problems, and he was do his best to guide me to the right direction. Complexity Index, Todd said to me if you reach to the formula to calculate this index that will be the major millstone from my point of view! When I did, I asked him for candy (as Joke) and he gave me one as reward. "I am in Milton hall if you need any help ....Vitaliy", this is a snapshot of a periodic email from Vitaliy.( just a practical proof ).

ooh I forget to tell you, may you  need to reverse a word in the post title!
To be continue isA.

As I wrote in the description...
The complexity of simplicity!...searching in (4*4*2)^(4*4) Turing Machines is a pretty nice challenge. I like this TM [291408415736013963231875] because it seems simple and arranged but actually it is not!. It's head movement is awesome because it's likes bifurcations in dynamics.. and there is a lot of bifurcations points !! Also I like it's compressed version it seems beautiful.
 And with a sincere thanks to all kind guys here in WSSS 2012, especially Prof.Todd Rowland and Dr.Vitaliy Kauro.. I would like to share the results of my research in Turing Machine space S=C=4 (Powered by the  Mathematica).

Using a filtration algorithm with random sampling the next document show the head movement for the most interesting selected cases 

The next is the scalogram of the same samples (frequency scaling )

And finally this is my TM  [291408415736013963231875]

Head Movement Analysis for 500000 steps

Scalogram Analysis fro 500000 steps

Turing Machine Without Compression 

Compressed version for 500000 steps


انه الثقب الذي يحدثه .. وطن .. برصاص ثلم !! انه الثقب الاسود كالدم المتخثر.. وهل تلتئم الجروح الا بمثل هذا !! لا يا عزيزي انه ليس بوطن !!

يبدوا ان هناك خروجا قسريا !! وتفاعل مضطرد مع الواقع - الذي لا احب- ويتبادل الشعور .. لحظات من الألم يحسها كل من المت به الجروح

بين روايتي التي ضاع جزء منها ، وبين مذكرات زاد عمرها على الاعوام العشر الاحظ شيء غريب ... هو انني غريب !! وما اقسى هذا...

ارسم كثيرا مجموعة كبيرة من الخطط تغطي منظورا من الرؤية يعد قاصرا -لانه منظور بشري-  ولانني أؤمن بأن شيئا لابد ان يحدث فقط اذا اراد الله ان يحدث.

ثمة رحيل .. ووداع .. أو ربما !!

هناك دموع سقطت … وهم قلة عناءهم في صمت.. انه صمت الكلمات .. فهي كما اعتدتها تطفىء كثيرا من الغضب.. او تشعله .. في صمت.

يقول الشاعر

فارق تجـــــد عوضـــا عمــن تفارقـه **  في الأرض وانصب تلاقي الرشد في النصب
إني وجـــــدت وقـــوف المــاء يفسـده **  إن ســال طـــاب وإن لــم يجـــر لــــم يطـــب
والأسد لولا فراق الأرض ماافترست**   والسهم لـــــــولا فــراق القـــوس لــم يصب
والتبر كالتـــرب ملقــى في معاونــــه **   والعــود في أرضـــــه نــوع من الــــحطب

 ثمة أشياء لا أنسى .. بل لا يمكن ان انسى .. انها الأشياء التي يقدمها كثير ممن حولي بلا مقابل !! .... شكرا لكل هؤولاء من يعملون ..ثم يعملون ولا يتقاضون مقابلاً !! خصوصا من يعمل .. ثم لا يتحدث وكأن ما حدث انما هو واجب عليه !!! .. سبحان الله

وهل شكرا تكفي ؟ كثيرا ما يعجز الانسان .. وكم هو عاجز !! حتى ان يكون في قاموس كلماته ما يمكنه ان يعبر...

 أخرى .. وأولى هي تلك التي ابتسمت لي حين كنت اصرخ .. في مهد الطفولة ، تحاول ان تنقل ابتسامتها الى عالمي الموازي ولا تزال ..تحمل همومي بشكل مختلف !!! تنظر الي بشكل مختلف !!! حاولت كثيرا ان اتخفى في اقنعة كثيرة ولكن امامها لم انجح حتى في ابسط  المواقف ..حين تكون موجودة احس بوجودها ...انه احساس مجرد، كما انه يمثل الحياة في كثير من الاحيان. انها هبة من الله أسأله ان يطيل عمرها على طاعته. ويكأن الأنا يهمس في أذن الآخر .. انها امك .. ويهمس الآخر في أذن الأنا .. إنها امك ..وكل خلية تقدم عميق شكر لها..

قد يتبع ،،،

It was a great pleasure to take place in CAT Scope 12. On the stage with My great friend Eng. Hazem Abdulhakim.

My session title was Embedded Systems and Innovation which covered a lot of topics and ideas. I hope it was a gainful time to our colleagues. you can check the presentation on slide share.
Final publishedEmbedded Systems & Innovation 

May Allah SWT make it useful.