let me write this topic which I belife with its importanc "by my hand ...."
I will introduce three representation for Multi Variable Control Systems "MVCS"
a- Differential Operator Representation [DOR].
b- State Space Representation [SSR]
c- Transfer Matrix Representation [TMR].
Note: a and b are time-domain representation, but c is frequency-domain representation.
Summary for each representation:
a- [DOR]
linear, time invariant and continuous dynamical MVCS can written as the following ODE.
P(D) z(t) = Q(D) u(t)
y(t)= R(D) z(t) +W(D) u(t)
P[qxq],Q[qxm],R [pxq]and W[pxm]: are matrix differential operator.
u and y : vectors with time functions represent inputs and outputs.
b- [SSR]
time domain more detailed description about the system based on converting the [DOR] from high order DE to n 1st ODE
A: evolution matrix
B: control matrix
C: observation matrix
E: direct transmittion matrix
u,y : input, output vectors
x: state vector
c- [TMR]
relation between Laplace transformed output and input vector.
y(s)=T(s) u(s)
y,u: output and input vectors
T: transfer matrix "in the SISO called Transfer Function" T is not scaler matrix .. it is Polynomial matrix.
Strategic Relations:
[DOR] --Laplace transformation --->[TMR]
[SSR] -- Rosenbrock --->[TMR]
I will introduce three representation for Multi Variable Control Systems "MVCS"
a- Differential Operator Representation [DOR].
b- State Space Representation [SSR]
c- Transfer Matrix Representation [TMR].
Note: a and b are time-domain representation, but c is frequency-domain representation.
Summary for each representation:
a- [DOR]
linear, time invariant and continuous dynamical MVCS can written as the following ODE.
P(D) z(t) = Q(D) u(t)
y(t)= R(D) z(t) +W(D) u(t)
P[qxq],Q[qxm],R [pxq]and W[pxm]: are matrix differential operator.
u and y : vectors with time functions represent inputs and outputs.
b- [SSR]
time domain more detailed description about the system based on converting the [DOR] from high order DE to n 1st ODE
A: evolution matrix
B: control matrix
C: observation matrix
E: direct transmittion matrix
u,y : input, output vectors
x: state vector
c- [TMR]
relation between Laplace transformed output and input vector.
y(s)=T(s) u(s)
y,u: output and input vectors
T: transfer matrix "in the SISO called Transfer Function" T is not scaler matrix .. it is Polynomial matrix.
Strategic Relations:
[DOR] --Laplace transformation --->[TMR]
[SSR] -- Rosenbrock --->[TMR]